Rabu, 21 September 2011


coming soon !! MY SELF !!

tolong disupport yah, aku sekarang sadar. ngapain coba kaya begini terus? hah? ngabisin waktu!!
toh  ga ada yang tau akhir dari skenario yang allah bikin buat aku. ya ga? ya ya?
biarin aja semua berjalan. ga usah ada paksaan. walau butuh usaha juga. inget itu kar!!
ngapain mikirin yang ga pantes dipikirin? CLOSE BOOK AND OPEN SOMETHING NEW!! tau ah emosi emosi nih -.-

I want to tell you, even though the sad times have already past
Close your eyes and feel, how you affect my mind, how you attract my gaze.
Don’t wait for a miracle, there’s a rough road in front of us
with obstacles and future that can’t be known, yet I won’t change, I can’t give up.
Keep your love unchanging for my wounded heart
Looking in your eyes, no words are needed, time has stopped.
I love you, just like this. The longed end of wandering.
I leave behind this world’s unending sadness.
Walking the many and unknowable paths, I follow a dim light.
It’s something we’ll do together to the end, into the new world.
Don’t wait for a miracle, there’s a rough road in front of us
with obstacles and future that can’t be known, yet I won’t change, I can’t give up.
Keep your love unchanging for my wounded heart
Looking in your eyes, no words are needed, time has stopped.
I love you, just like this. The longed end of wandering.
I leave behind this world’s unending sadness.
Walking the many and unknowable paths, I follow a dim light.
It’s something we’ll do together to the end, into our new world.
Feeling alone in this dark dark night
Your soft breath,
This moment, warmly entwines me in your presence.
I want you to know all my tremors
I love you, just like this. The longed end of wandering.
I leave behind this world’s unending sadness.
Walking the many and unknowable paths, I follow a dim light.
It’s something we’ll do together to the end, into our new world

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