Minggu, 18 September 2011


kenapa jadi begini? huft
harusnya aku bersyukur semuanya itu pernah terjadi. tapi, ...
ga rela aja gitu. ngerti ga? rasanya itu kaya.. hem apa yah? pokoknya rasanya tuh kayak pas kamu ga rela karena sesuatu. ngak ngerti? yaudalah..
sebenernya sih rela rela aja.. tapi ituloh.. ada perasaan ga relanya..
what? aku ANTI GALAU yah :p
aku kan dipihak yang baik baik aja.. walau aku ada salahnya juga sih, tapi mau gimana lagi kalau ga begini? hah? jawab!! #eeaaa..

giniloh reader yang baik :)
aku tuh **** (mungkin) sama seseorang.. terus aku kan *** beliau.. terus di********* sama beliau. yaudah dong.. lanjut aja santai.. eh tiba tiba ga ada ujan ga ada angin ga ada tsunami. beliau nge****** aku coba :(. salah aku apa? terus aku harus ngapain? terus kalo beliau begitu terus? yaahh.. emang harus rela. karna "siapa anda kar? ". tapi kembali ke point yang tadi. aku ga rela~

stop!! lupain lupain. syalalala~
oh iya ini ini ada sesuatu :)

I’m still at the same place, weary from wandering by your side
As I wander in circles, days have passed and I find myself at this place

You know, you know that my heart is aching
Watching you smile makes my heart ache more

It’s my mistake for not making you love me more
It’s my mistake for loving you more than you love me
It’s my mistake for not making you love me as much as I wanted you to

How much longer must I cry as I trust in that promise?
You lied to me to wait for you, even my greed for your love has grown weary

You know, you know that my heart is aching
How can you play dumb and smile like that?

It’s my mistake for not making you love me more
It’s my mistake for loving you more than you love me
It’s my mistake for not making you love me as much as I wanted you to

I knew I couldn’t have you but my love for you just kept growing
It’s my mistake for waiting by myself, regretting by myself, loving you by myself

Even though my heart was aching, it’s my mistake for not letting you go (I’m such a fool)
I knew I would get hurt and couldn’t let go (It’s my mistake)
Even though it's all my fault
Even though it's all my fault
That’s ok. As long as you’re there (Always…)

Please forgive me for being like this
(forgive the person) Who loved you 

please forgive me 

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