Minggu, 24 April 2011



besok kita UN Ujian Nasinal.. okeoke. cukup ngomongin UNnyaa.

ihh.. tapi, tetep ajaa.. UN sis !!
tau ahhh.. mau ga mau, toh dateng jugaa..

belum siap!
mau ga mau, HARUS MAU !!

so, kita harus menghadapi UN besok. kata bunda, kalo kita udah berani, musuh kita ga bakal berani sama kitaa.
*hadoohhh.. sekar! masalahnya UN itu bukan makhluk hidup yg bisa kita pelototin trus dia kabur!!!


pengen cepet selesai UNnyaa..
tapi, ga mau cepetcepet pisah ma temen2.. *egoiskan aku?


wowww..11 ours before NATIONAL EXAMINATION !!
I know we can do it and get a great score ^^

aminn.. :)

Selasa, 12 April 2011

try out

hari ini dan besok adalah Try Out terakhir di smp..
gaa kerasa ih.. udah mau UN..

one night i stand i remind of you
our hope and dreams
tears in my eyes
when you gone so fast
when i realized you know i can't be perfect

i fall from you
you make me like i can't stand with you
you make me like i can't live with you
i can't hold your hand
so please don't let me down

i try to be a stronger
when i know everything over
everytime i feel
everday i think
i never see you once again

i know i can't be stronger
even i try to forget you
oh no i missing you
i need its you

so please dont make me feel like..

i keep you in my heart

i miss your smile i miss your face
i need your hear i need your hugs

in every night in everyday
like you want me to be

i miss you voice i miss your laugh
i need your hear i need your hug
in everynight in everyday

is you

you know everything is you ..
